Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, May 21, 2021
notice of the 28th annual general meeting
Dear Sir/Madam,
President Jinny Robichaud and members of the Board of Directors
of CAAP Montérégie are pleased to invite you to our 28th Annual General Meeting.
Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday, June 2 at 7:00 p.m. by videoconference
Yours sincerely
Esther Giroux, Secretary
Complaints Assistance and Support Centre Montérégie
Draft agenda
01- Opening of the meeting by the Chairman
02- Appointment of meeting chairperson and secretary
03- Verification of notice of meeting and quorum
04- Reading and adoption of the agenda
05- Adoption of the minutes of the annual general meeting of September 22
06- Presentation of the 2020-2021 financial report
07- Presentation of the 2020-2021 activity report
08- Resolution certifying the presentation of reports
09- Presentation of orientations for 2021-2022
10- Appointment of independent auditor for 2021-2022
11- Election of directors
a) Appointment of election chairperson and secretary
b) Presentation of the Nominating Committee’s report
12- Varia: Questions related to the Annual General Meeting
13- Adjournment
To attend the Annual General Meeting virtually via the Zoom platform,
please contact Chantal Morin by e-mail at :
gestioncaap@caapmonteregie.ca or by calling 450 347-0670 no later than December 31
May. We will send you the documents relating to this meeting and the zoom link.