Personalized PSR Allocation Program :

Minister Bélanger modifies the program at the request of several organizations

Quebec City, May 29, 2024 – The Minister responsible for Seniors, Ms. Sonia Bélanger, is amending the PSR Personalized Allowance Program (PAP) to remove a problematic aspect. This was requested by the six partner groups who signed the press release. This program provided financial assistance to PSRs, but also involved modifying the tenant’s lease, making him or her legally and financially responsible for the care.

A formula that opened the door to financial abuse

In practice, this has resulted in disproportionate rent increases for many tenants. Indeed, some managers saw this as an opportunity to revise their rates upwards. The CAAPs (Centres d’assistance et d’accompagnement aux plaintes) responsible for assisting PSR tenants have noted staggering increases.

In the worst-case scenario, the increase was 173%, or nearly $3,800 per month. In its initial form, the PAP opened the door to financial abuse.

Major gains to protect residents from financial abuse in PSRs

At a meeting on Friday, May 24 between the six partner groups, the MSSS, the Administrative Housing Tribunal and members of the Minister’s office, the following changes were announced:

  1. From now on, the contractual relationship will concern only the CISSS-CIUSSS and the residence, with no impact on the tenant’s lease;
  2. No additional amount will be charged to tenants to compensate for any difference between the rate schedule established by the MSSS and the rates in effect in the PSR;
  3. For the time being, the assessment of tenants’ needs will be carried out exclusively by staff from the public health and social services network.

There’s still a long way to go to ensure the well-being of residents affected by the

We’re still concerned about RPA tenants who have suffered significant rent increases as a direct or indirect result of the program. That’s why we’re calling on Minister Bélanger, in collaboration with the Minister of Housing, France-Hélène Duranceau, to take swift action to support those who have been wronged by the implementation of this program, and to ensure that they receive fair compensation.

Finally, we’d like to highlight Minister Bélanger’s openness on this issue, as she listened to our concerns.

Claire Lapointe
General Manager, AQDR

Paul-René Roy
President, AQRP

Micheline Germain
AREQ (CSQ) President

Jacinthe Roy
General Manager, Réseau FADOQ

Nathalie Dubois
General Manager, FCAAP

Sylvie Tremblay
General Manager, RPCU

For further information:
Sébastien Harvey, Assistant Manager FCAAP
581 748-1741

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