PSR – Video clip-Exceptional situations allowing termination of an PSR lease
PSR – Video – How to find common ground with your PSR
AGM CAAP Montérégie
Press release For immediate distribution " Annual General Meeting: a renewed Board of Directors Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Thursday, June 10, 2021 - On...
Annual General Meeting 2021
Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, May 21, 2021 notice of the 28th annual general meeting Dear Sir/Madam, President Jinny Robichaud and members of the Board of...
Joint applications to the Housing Administrative Tribunal
Press release For immediate release Joint applications to the Housing Administrative Tribunal At last, something positive for RPP tenantsQuébec, April 9,...
PSR: Good news for residents
Good news for residents of private seniors' residences (RPAs) TRCAM Newsletter - April 6, 2021 It is now possible for two or more RPA residents to apply to...
Virtual information sessions at CAAP Montérégie
Free virtual information sessions at CAAP Montérégie We're currently contacting all community organizations in the Montérégie region, to publicize our...
PSR: Refusing a rent increase
Press release - Refusing a rent increase in residence: simple and economical! Montérégie, January 14, 2021 - For nearly 2 years, the Centre d'Assistance et...
Not a free ambulance! CAAP can help you file a complaint
Nobody wants you to have to go by ambulance. And, contrary to popular belief, it's not free. With a few exceptions. In Quebec, ambulance transportation is not...
Increases in residences… CAAP can help.
PRESS RELEASE For immediate release Rent increases in residential buildings: CAAP Montérégie can help! Montérégie, January 14, 2021 - For nearly 2 years, the...
Workshops for caregivers – Assistance and Referral Centre
CAAP Montérégie remains open during the lockdown…
CAAP Montérégie remains open during the second wave of the lockdown until 8 February 2021. CAAP continues to offer its services to the population of...
A family member becomes incapable: what to do?
What does it mean to be incapable? People who are incapable are often described as being "not all there." They become unable to make informed decisions, take...
A loved one becomes incapacitated: what to do?
What is incapacity? It's often said of a disabled person that "he's out of his head". She becomes unable to make informed decisions, take care of herself or...
A new web page goes online to help seniors living in PSRs
PRESS RELEASE For immediate release A new information tool for seniors living in private seniors' residences Quebec City, November 30, 2020 - The Fédération...
How do I change doctors?
How do I change doctors? By Isabelle Bergeron, Le Bel Âge Wrong diagnosis, information not communicated, lack of follow-up or difficult contact... When you...
Assemblée générale annuelle : un conseil d’administration renouvelé
C’est le 22 septembre dernier que le Centre d’assistance et d’accompagnement aux plaintes (CAAP) Montérégie tenait sa 27e assemblée générale annuelle dans le respect des consignes de santé publique.
Nomination au poste de direction générale
Madame Jinny Robichaud, présidente du conseil d’administration du Centre d’assistance et d’accompagnement aux plaintes (CAAP) Montérégie, est très heureuse d’annoncer la nomination de madame Myriam Noiseux au poste de directrice générale de l’organisme.
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